Spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (JEM-2200FS)

  • Spatial resolution 0.1 nm (after aberration correction)
  • Accelerating voltage 200 kV
  • Electron beam spectrometer Ω-type filter / Energy resolution 0.8 eV
  • Spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (JEM-2200FS)
  • CCD Camera 2048x2048 pixel
  • Aberration correction device CEOS Cs correction device (for TEM mode)
  • Features: Measurement in both TEM/STEM modes is possible. This general-purpose analytical electron microscope can use various types of sample holders, such as sample heating and cryogenic holders.
Installation Location
33 Cryogenic Ultra High-Resolution Electron Microscope Room 9-1
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User Guide

Kyoto University
Use -by-the-hour
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance

You must release a result

Other Research Institutes
Use -by-the-hour
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance

You must release a result

Companies, etc.
Use -by-the-hour
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance

You must release a result

Use -by-the-hour
Users perform measurements on an hourly basis
Technical Agencies
Users should submit samples etc. Technical staff will measure them.
Technical assistance
Basically, users operate the device, but an assistant attends the use of the device.
User Guide
Kyoto University Microstructural Characterization Platform

Division of Electron Microscopy and Crystal Chemistry,Institute for Chemical Research

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