Cryogenic high-resolution transmission electron microscope (JEM-2100F(G5))

  • Resolution 0.2 nm
  • Accelerating voltage 200 kV
  • Helium retention time on helium stage: 4 hours
  • Electron gun ZrO/W(100)FEG
  • CCD Camera 2048x2048 pixels
  • Features: Observation is possible while keeping the sample temperature at liquid helium temperature. Equipped with a cryo-transfer mechanism, it is possible to freeze and introduce samples without exposing them to the outside air. Photographed using a CCD camera.
Installation Location
33 Installation Location 33 Cryogenic Ultra High-Resolution Electron Microscope Room 9-2
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User Guide

Kyoto University
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance
Device Use

You must release a result

Other Research Institutes
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance
Device Use

You must release a result

Companies, etc.
Technical Agencies
Technical Assistance
Device Use

You must release a result

Technical Agencies
Users should submit samples etc. Technical staff will measure them.
Technical assistance
Basically, users operate the device, but an assistant attends the use of the device.
Device Use
A joint research agreement must be signed (Prior consultation is possible before applying for a public offering)
User Guide
Kyoto University Microstructural Characterization Platform

Division of Electron Microscopy and Crystal Chemistry,Institute for Chemical Research(Contact:Ogawa)

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