Uji Support Center for Equipment Sharing, KYOTO UNIVERSITY

Uji Support Center for Equipment Sharing officially started to operate from October, 2019, which is one of the bases in Kyoto University regarding inclusive equipment sharing, based on the Equipment Master Plan of Kyoto University.
By unifying the contact information, we aim for promoting further use of devices beyond research fields. Before this, we have been through of equipment sharing with four institutes (Institute for Chemical Research, Institute of Advanced Energy, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere and Disaster Prevention Research Institute.)
We would be grateful if researchers both inside and outside of the university could widely use them.
About Uji Support Center for Equipment Sharing
The Uji area of Kyoto University is a campus with four science and technology research institutes (Institute for Chemical Research, Institute of Advanced Energy, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere and Disaster Prevention Research Institute) spanning a wide range of fields. For this reason, the Uji campus is equipped with a wide variety of cutting-edge and general-purpose equipment. Uji Support Center for Equipment Sharing will strengthen the research base by improving an environment for the shared use of these equipment groups and will support the cutting-edge research of researchers.
When you would like to start research in a different field, you may be able to use the equipment at the center and try out new ideas first. If you would like to start your research as soon as you arrive, if your equipment breaks down, or you would like to analyze the usual data in more detail, please consider using the center.

Origin of USACO
Uji Support center of Apparatus Collection
Uji, where the Uji Campus is located, was written “莵道 (Todoh, meaning path of the rabbits)” and read “うじ(Uji)” in ancient times. There is a legend that a herd of rabbits passed through the area and formed a path, and there is also a legend about a rabbit that turned around and guided the way of “Uji-no-Wakiiratsuko,” who was lost on the path.